AUDIOTEHNIC ImpEx SRL Târgoviște este importator şi integrator de proiecte, servicii avansate şi consultanţă în domeniul Profesional High-End Audio, echipamente de receptie tv prin satelit Focus Sat și Canal+

Despre noi


AUDIOTEHNIC ImpEx SRL și-a fixat ca obiectiv principal să ofere clienților săi din gama Profesional și/sau High-End Audio/Video posibilitatea de a-și crea o ambianță cât mai apropiată de realitatea acustică a unei săli de spectacole în propriul studio și/sau propriul cămin, atât în format stereo cât și multimedia.


The most compact in Albedo catalogue, Amira is still in the league of true high-fidelity runners. It embodies most of the concepts of original Albedo projects, with that starting blaze of an endeavour to let a small speaker sound as a serious big performer.

Aptica SG

Aptica is the result of years of research in the field of transmission line systems. With the new powerful 6.25″ reinforced ceramic mid-bass driver and the innovative tweeter diffraction trap DSD system, Aptica affirms its elegant and unique design.

Axcentia MKII

In the Axcentia MKII, the Helmholine system shows all its power in managing high volume levels and in keeping the detailed bass texture which transmission lines are properly renowned for. In order to limit the height of the cabinet, the woofers wave guide is folded and uses the plinth of the base as additional volume for the acoustic resonator filter.


Our new Agadia model represents the synthesis of a long period of passion for the search for always better sound. Since its ideation, we wanted to create something different, that characterizes it from all the others, so that it can be unique in its genre.


Acclara is the answer to a simple question. How to reach absolute performance in a floor standing design with a cabinet size still suitable for a living room.

Alecta SGS

Leather, wood, aluminum, ceramic. The four elements for a perfect high end audio world. Alecta has a tower shaped cabinet that features high mass and optimal resonance absorption. Two solid and heavy metal plates, connected each other by steel threaded bars, stop any unwanted vibration.

Atesia SGS

Atesia represents the most important result of our design effort. It is a floorstanding loudspeaker equipped with all the most successful technical characteristics that continue to distinguish the products of Albedo brand as transmission line bass loading, ceramic membrane drivers, time-consistent crossover and, not least, the original design of the cabinet that stands in the best tradition of “made in Italy”.

Prezentări showroom


Discurile de vinil sunt foarte căutate de audiofili, aceștia susțin că, chiar dacă au o viața scurtă, acestea au un sunet mai fidel decât un CD.


High-end audio este o clasă de echipamente audio de uz casnic comercializate audiofililor pe baza calității de reproducere a sunetului

Reproducerea de cea mai înaltă calitate a înregistrărilor audio

Galerie produse HIFI audio

Soundcare superspikes 601 feet for electronics

S-a dovedit a fi extrem de eficient pe toate echipamentele Hi-Fi.  este o actualizare cu costuri reduse care va face o diferență majoră pentru calitatea sunetului oricărui sistem.

Acoustic Zen Adagio Jr.

Accustic Arts Drive 1/Audio Aero Prima SE
Preamp: Bel Canto Pre2P, McCormack MAP-1
Power Amp: Art Audio Carissa, Bel Canto e.One REF1000  Musical Fidelity A5 Integrated
Speakers: Tidal Audio Piano, Thiel CS 2.4, Ohm


Construit în jurul DAC-ului AK4490 (bazat pe arhitectura Velvet Sound de la AKM), cipul de bază oferă PCM pe 32 biți/768 kHz și DSD de 11,2 MHz.
Airplay și DLNA, Advance Playstream